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In baptism, God grants the gifts of forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life, and entrance into the body of Christ, which is the church, the gathered community of faith.  In baptism, God claims us as one of God’s own children, marking us with the cross of Christ forever.  In response to these gifts, we make some promises to God.

These are the promises made by the baptized or his/her parent(s) at baptism:

  1. Faithfully bring him/her to the services of God’s house

  2. Teach him/her the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments

  3. Place in his/her hands the Holy Scriptures

  4. Provide for his/her instruction in the Christian faith


If you are interested in baptism for yourself or for your child, please contact the pastor. 

© 2025 Faith Lutheran Church - Durand, WI | Rock Creek Lutheran Church - Mondovi, WI


Faith Lutheran Church

1032 Prissel Street -- Durand, WI 54736 -- 715-672-8107


Rock Creek Lutheran Church

N1101 810th Street -- Mondovi, WI 54755 -- 715-875-4571

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Site Maintained by Greg Knoepke 
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